Monday, October 19, 2009

Magazines, papers and books...Oh My!

Too much stuff to read around here.
It's my mind that's full.
Stuffed like an over filled closet.
I can't even finish what's new today.
T.V. just adds to.

I read historical stories of dark ages wars and life.
I read One Day at a Time.
I read entertainment reviews.
Political cartoons.
Bird suet recipes.

I see videos of sandy soldiers single file tracking hunched down, rifles in hand.
It's 110 degrees.
The enemy is hidden.
The local government is corrupt.
Apathy lies dusty at home.
No one can simply state reason's we're there or there either.

I read that over medicating causes terrible things.
I read that some who won't take meds are in terrible trouble.

My internet home page shouts about home invasions, hoaxes, air quality, budget deficits, poverty next door to riches.

I read that stress causes terrible things to happen to the body.
Cholesterol and worse.

They tell of pay cuts and furlough days.
They remind me to show up proving no T.B.

I read that ancient medicine has the answers.
It's new again.
Did the ancients have stress?

They didn't have T.V.s or computers.
They weren't wired every minute of every day.
Of course they didn't have convenience stores either
and those relieve stress when plastic diapers are needed.
Or milk.
Or jerky.

Maybe it balances out.
Some cure for stress will fix it all.



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